Congressional Briefing - July 14, 2008

Understanding Russia's Foreign Policy

russia map


Olga Oliker


Monday, July 14, 2008


1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.


2200 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C.

About the Program

In recent years, we have seen Russia's economy and global influence grow. The U.S. and Russia, while continuing to share some key interests and goals, have also clashed on a variety of issues.

With a new president having already taken office in Russia, and presidential elections coming up in the United States, there exist real opportunities to rethink and reevaluate U.S. interests and policies regarding Russia. A forthcoming RAND report, Russian Foreign Policy: Sources and Implications, addresses Russia's foreign and security policies, and the domestic and strategic issues that shape it.

The report discusses:

  • Russia's domestic political and economic development
  • Russia's evolving foreign policy, including Russian views of the United States
  • Russia's security policy
  • U.S. policy goals and options vis-à-vis Russia

About the Speaker

Olga Oliker

Olga Oliker is a Senior International Policy Analyst at the RAND Corporation. She publishes widely on security issues relating to Russia and other former Soviet states; reform and development in the conflict, post-conflict and other transition contexts; and transnational threats. She has a particular interest in efforts by the United States and others to assist and foster reform in countries in transition and has worked on these issues directly in Iraq and Liberia, as well as several post-Soviet countries.

RAND Office of Congressional Relations

For 60 years, RAND has provided policymakers with independent, objective research and analysis on key national security, domestic and international issues. RAND work helps members of Congress and their staffs make better-informed decisions on the nation's pressing challenges. The Office of Congressional Relations offers a number of products and services to educate, inform, and facilitate congressional policymakers' access to RAND work, including coordinating congressional testimony by RAND experts, organizing briefings and meetings, synthesizing RAND work into topical e-newsletters and providing reports and publications to congressional offices. For more information, visit the Office of Congressional Relations webpage, contact or call (703) 413-1100 x5395.

Further Inquiries

For further information about this event, contact the Office of Congressional Relations at or call (703) 413-1100 x5395.