About RAND Australia

Group of people waving Australian flags

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The RAND Australia office focuses on Australian policy issues as an arm of the RAND Corporation, headquartered in Santa Monica, California, and shares the organisation's mission and values. RAND Australia's mission is to help improve policy and decisionmaking through research and analysis.

Research produced by the RAND Corporation about issues impacting Australia cover policy-relevant topics from defence and health to community and economic development, and education. Cutting across these topics is research focused on evaluation and impact measurement, choice modelling, and valuation. The unity of subject expertise, contextual understanding, and innovative methodologies generates insightful and robust analysis.

What characterises RAND Australia research?

Objective, independent, and balanced. RAND Australia research is trusted because it is objective, intellectually independent without influence from research clients or sponsors, and addresses both scientific and policy perspectives fairly and equally.

Compelling, useful, and relevant. RAND Australia conducts research that focuses on real-world problems and practical issues that help stakeholders and policymakers make informed, sound decisions and recommendations.

Impactful. For decisionmakers, high-quality research findings can have a significant bearing on a particular decision or deliberation. Or, it may contribute to an ongoing debate that can lead to improved policies that help people.

Innovative. RAND Australia has a reputation for producing innovative solutions to complex problems through the application of fresh research designs, approaches, and ideas; the development of new methods or ideas; the application of established methods or ideas in new ways, and the adaptation of methods or ideas to new problems.

Caring. RAND Australia cares passionately about matters of policy and seeks to communicate our findings to a global audience. We strive to be Australia's trusted source for policy research that benefits the public interest.

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RAND Australia's ABN: 60600246026