Academic Achievement


The hallmark of a successful education system is increasing or maintaining high student achievement. RAND research measures the effects of various types of school reforms on student achievement, with studies focusing on charter schools, the Every Student Succeeds Act, reform-oriented teaching, and classroom sizes.

  • Research Brief

    Benefits and Drawbacks of the Four-Day School Week

    A four-day school week is becoming more common, especially in states with large rural areas. Champions of the shorter week contend that it saves money, improves student attendance, and helps recruit and retain teachers to rural districts. But what does the evidence say?

    Oct 7, 2021

  • Report

    Has COVID-19 Led to Divergent and Inequitable Pathways in Education?

    Remote schooling is associated with fewer instructional opportunities and potentially poorer student outcomes compared with in-person schooling. Nevertheless, many schools will continue to offer a remote option after the pandemic has passed.

    May 27, 2021

Explore Academic Achievement

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