

How can the United States and other nations care for massive numbers of COVID-19 patients while curbing the spread of COVID-19 and restoring societal functions safely?

How RAND Is Meeting the Challenge

  • Providing a data-based tool to help governments find the way forward in weighing difficult trade-offs between maintaining lockdown and re-opening businesses and schools
  • Helping hospitals assess critical care capacity and expand it efficiently
  • Assessing approaches to workplace COVID-19 screening that organizations can tailor to their needs

As the pandemic spread in early 2020, RAND researchers responded swiftly by creating tools to help:

  • hospitals and health care systems assess how best to scale up critical care resources to the meet upsurge in COVID-19 patients
  • state and local decisionmakers weigh the effects of balancing public health responses, such as social distancing and school and business closures, against the economic impacts of these policies.

In addition, RAND Health Care experts have produced a series of commentaries on issues such as telemedicine and the post-COVID health care system. These commentaries frame key health system issues raised by the pandemic and help inform an ongoing RAND research agenda that is beginning to yield results in several areas.