Electronic Medical Records


Increasingly, collections of medical records are stored and shared digitally by multiple medical service providers. RAND research has explored the costs of implementing electronic medical record systems; the benefits accrued, including the improved quality of care; the rate of technology adoption; individual privacy concerns; and the role of government in the use and growth of electronic recordkeeping.

  • Report

    Patients Could Help Improve Record Matching

    When health providers exchange medical records, the success rate can be as low as 50 percent. The ubiquity of mobile phones offers a promising opportunity to create a patient-empowered system to confirm identities that would allow hospitals and other providers to match records more accurately.

    Aug 22, 2018

  • Report

    Quality of Patient Care Drives Physician Satisfaction; Doctors Have Concerns About Electronic Health Records

    Being able to provide high-quality health care is a primary driver of job satisfaction among physicians, and obstacles to quality patient care are a source of stress for them. For example, the systems for electronic health records in use today are cumbersome to operate and contribute to their dissatisfaction.

    Oct 9, 2013

Explore Electronic Medical Records

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