Environmental Equity


Environmental equity is fair and just access to environmental resources, to protection from environmental hazards, and to environmental decisionmaking. RAND research has examined equity in disaster preparation, response, and recovery; how historic redlining continues to affect communities; urban stormwater management; heat wave vulnerability; and how low-income, marginalized communities of color face disproportionate effects of climate change.

  • Report

    Assessing Social Equity in Disaster Preparation, Response, and Recovery

    In this webinar, senior social scientist Melissa Finucane reviews the complex nature of social equity—including contextual, procedural, and distributional equity dimensions—and how a robust, evidence-based approach is needed to measure progress toward equity in disaster contexts.

    Nov 16, 2021

  • Multimedia

    What Does Environmental Justice Look Like?

    Videos describe the impact of grassroots environmental justice campaigns in two redlined neighborhoods. This work features RAND research that shows how a shared community vision can help residents, organizers, and policymakers understand the root causes of injustices and identify actionable responses.

    Apr 19, 2023

Explore Environmental Equity