Immigrants and Emigrants


Countries throughout the world are affected by the influx of immigrants and the outflow of emigrants. RAND research examines a wide variety of issues relating to these populations, including migrant labor; the demands that immigrants place on transportation, education, and other public services; and growing intolerance to immigration within Western countries.

  • Commentary

    The Public Charge Rule's Likely Hazard to Our Nation's Health During COVID-19

    The Public Charge rule makes immigrants who receive Medicaid and other publicly-funded benefits potentially ineligible for green cards, and, in some cases, subjects them to deportation. Fear and reluctance to seek assistance among immigrants is likely to worsen during the COVID-19 epidemic.

    Apr 6, 2020

  • Commentary

    Addressing Immigration Doesn't End at the Border—Schools Need Help

    All children in the United States have a right to a public education, regardless of their immigration status. But schools are not funded or staffed adequately to support a growing student population or to handle sudden surges in enrollment due to large numbers of displaced children arriving at the border.

    Nov 1, 2021

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