Military Transformation


RAND research on military transformation—the adjustment of a nation's military to achieve a specified objective—analyzes four major issues: force structure, modernization, readiness, and sustainability. RAND provides decisionmakers with recommendations on all aspects of planning and strategy to maximize the effectiveness, continuity, and innovation of a nation's force as it adapts to technological, cultural, and other significant changes.

  • Report

    Aligning Roles and Missions for Future Multidomain Warfare

    The formal decisions, documents, and events that established the roles, missions, and functions (RMF) of the U.S. Department of Defense and the military services in the early postwar years are over 70 years old. Is the existing RMF framework fundamentally sound, requiring only modest adjustments?

    Aug 19, 2021

  • Report

    Measuring Strategic Readiness

    The U.S. Department of Defense asked RAND to provide a method and specific metrics to enable the defense community to more fully answer questions about the nation's readiness to execute the National Defense Strategy. A new report examines the what metrics are needed to assess the nation's ability to respond to conflicts.

    Jun 15, 2021

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