Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy


Science, technology, and innovation policy shapes the science and research enterprise, with the goal of directing its activities to serve public needs. RAND experts have explored how to incentivize high-value products in the health care sector, examined government options for promoting and accelerating innovation in housing, and determined how to design "prizes" that spur breakthroughs.

  • Commentary

    Biotechnology and Today's Warfighter

    Biotechnology has a broad and often misunderstood scope, one with significant implications for today's warfighter, and it may be reaching a critical junction. As it continues to mature, proactive policy becomes necessary for the federal government to leverage emerging capabilities effectively and remain competitive.

    Oct 25, 2022

  • Essay

    What Might Space Look Like in 2050?

    It would not take huge technological breakthroughs to make space and space travel a much bigger part of everyday life. Instead, it would take a steady progression of incremental advances—and one development in particular could provide the tipping point.

    Jan 5, 2023

Explore Science, Technology, and Innovation Policy