Teachers and Teaching


The challenge of transforming underperforming schools and improving student achievement drives RAND's commitment to education. RAND research on teachers and teaching explores a wide range of topics, including instructional practices, technology in the classroom, class size, teacher recruitment and retention, and teacher quality and effectiveness.

  • Report

    Educator Turnover and How Districts Are Addressing It

    Teacher turnover rose to 10 percent nationally at the end of the 2021–2022 school year. Principal turnover also increased, reaching 16 percent going into the 2022–2023 school year. How are states and districts responding to these staff shortages?

    Feb 16, 2023

  • Q&A

    Amplifying Teachers' Voices: Q&A with Ashley Woo

    Ashley Woo, an assistant policy researcher at RAND and a Ph.D. candidate at the Pardee RAND Graduate School, aims to bring teachers' perspectives into policymaking. In this interview, she discusses her research on teachers' responses to state restrictions on how they can address topics related to race and gender in the classroom.

    Mar 16, 2023

Explore Teachers and Teaching