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Despite the rising supply of permanent supportive housing (PSH) in Los Angeles and the growing focus on policies and reforms aimed at increasing this housing stock, there is a notable lack of information on the number of units available or under construction, the funding sources related to these efforts, and barriers to construction. Without this information, policymakers and services providers can neither evaluate the efficacy of policy interventions nor, more importantly, adequately place and serve the unhoused. Permanent Supportive Housing in Los Angeles County: A Map-Based Tool is a database that aggregates administrative data from various city, county, and state agencies; real estate databases; media reports; and other sources. To the authors' knowledge, it represents the first comprehensive attempt to combine financing, land use, and service operation records for PSH projects across all of Los Angeles County into a publicly available map-based tool that allows the data to be sorted, filtered, or downloaded by the user. The purpose of the tool is to provide a comprehensive set of information to facilitate planning, policymaking, and research related to the supply of PSH aimed at addressing chronic homelessness in the Los Angeles region. The authors expect that the database will be maintained and updated over time and welcome contributions and corrections from users, who may have more accurate knowledge of project specifics than the authors could glean from public records.

Research conducted by

This research was supported by the Lowy Family Foundation, whose generous gift supported the establishment of the RAND Center on Housing and Homelessness in Los Angeles, and conducted by the Community Health and Environmental Policy Program within RAND Social and Economic Well-Being.

This report is part of the RAND Corporation Tool series. RAND tools may include models, databases, calculators, computer code, GIS mapping tools, practitioner guidelines, web applications, and various toolkits. All RAND tools undergo rigorous peer review to ensure both high data standards and appropriate methodology in keeping with RAND's commitment to quality and objectivity.

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