Transportation Economics


RAND research on the allocation of resources in the transportation sector includes work on mileage-based user fees, the relationship between travel demand and economic growth, and transportation infrastructure development.

  • Commentary

    Pay as You Go

    Using vehicle miles traveled as a means of distributing the cost of maintaining America's roads and bridges may not be the only answer. But it represents the kind of innovative thinking that is necessary when this sector of the American transportation infrastructure is desperately in need of a fix.

    Jul 22, 2015

  • Commentary

    COVID-19: The Questions Ahead for Future Travel and Transport

    COVID-19 could have lasting effects on future travel patterns. Future scenarios, a method for visualizing different possible futures, can help inform decisions in deeply uncertain situations and can be used to think about policies that are important for people's quality of life regardless of how the future unfolds.

    Apr 15, 2020

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