Welcome to the RAND Center for Quality Policing

The RAND Center for Quality Policing (CQP) provides research and analysis to improve the practices, policies, and technologies used in policing. Our findings are of interest to police at all levels, law enforcement technology developers, law enforcement policymakers and funders, and the general public. CQP is part of the Justice Policy Program within RAND Social and Economic Well-Being.

Preventing Mass Attacks, Saving Lives

  • The Mass Attacks Defense Toolkit

    After studying 600 mass attack events and plots, interviewing dozens of experts, and reviewing hundreds of references, researchers provide a toolkit that organizes important tips that reduce the likelihood and casualties of mass shootings and other deadly attacks.

    May 31, 2022

COVID-19 and Policing

Bulletins For Practitioners

Bulletins For Technology Developers and Acquisition Personnel

Bulletins For Budgeters and Planners

Policing Practice

  • Research Road Map to Reduce Police Killings

    Preventing killings committed by police will require research funding, research-practitioner partnerships with police agencies and unions, and standardized data collection. Research should focus on training, policies, technology, consequences for officers, and foundational issues such as racial inequities.

    May 18, 2022


Policy and Budgeting